Bishop H.N. Scott
Bishop Dr. Herbert Noelin Scott holds many titles. Bishop and founder of Liberty Hall Cathedral of Praise, overseer of many churches, doctor, husband, father, son, brother, and a servant of the Almighty God. The Gospel of the Lord has been instilled in him since childhood. Born in Clarendon, Jamaica W.I. and raised in Birmingham, England, Herbert was always taught by his mother, Blanche Scott, the importance of serving the Lord. The words “Academic Excellence”, was also instilled in Herbert as he always strived for excellence in school.
It was during his pre-adolescent years, at the tender age of 10, he accepted the Lord as his personal Savior, and was baptized at age 12. Like young Samuel he acknowledged and responded to the call of God, and immediately stepped into his role with a clear sense of purpose and destiny.
At age 15 he was appointed Evangelist of Triumphant Church of God, Aston England under the leadership of Rev. E. Wilks. While attending secondary school his zeal to learn more about God burned stronger in him and propelled him to attend Ebenezer Bible Institute in Lozells, Birmingham. His gift and talent for music led him to study at the Trinity College of Music under the leadership of Mr. Harold Wilcox. Upon completion of Secondary School he went on to Aston University to major in Medicine, but the Lord led him to a different career.
At age 19 he was appointed Pastor of Triumphant Church of God, Aston Branch. This appointment became a major turning point in his life. At age 20 he migrated to the United States of America, where he worshipped at Triumphant Church of God Howard Ave. Brooklyn. Before his 21st birthday the late Bishop Phillip Burris asked him to serve as the Pastor of the church. Under his leadership the body of Christ grew tremendously, particularly in the area of youth ministry.
In 1980 acting on a vision from the Lord he moved on to propagate the Gospel. Thus Liberty Hall Church of God Inc. was born.
Herbert and the love of his life Sonia were married in August of 1982. They have two beautiful daughters Cherice and Kimberly and the same values of faith and education were strongly instilled in their lives. The zeal and desire to continue to serve the Lord and stay steadfast and unmovable kept them all fighting the good fight.
Liberty Hall has since expanded to several branches and covers many churches worldwide. As he grew in the ministry, he furthered his ministerial studies by attending Lake Charles Bible College. Liberty Hall's recent accomplishment was the purchasing of a multi-complex building, located at 1387 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, which has two sanctuaries, two banquet halls, a bible school and a large school, providing services to the community and the flock of God.
He holds to his title and name:
• A Doctorate Degree in Theology
• A Doctorate Degree in Ministry
• A Bachelors Degree in Psychology
• A Masters Degree in Psychology
• A Doctorate Degree in Psychology